Meet The Writer

{an introduction from me to you}

My participation in the 2023 Winter Writer’s Sanctuary with

of England came at just the right time. A new beginning and making all things new.

Here I share my writings from #meetthewriter as my introduction to you:


Settled. I chose the east window for my writing desk. Just perfect.

view from my writing desk

2. Catalyst

I'm a child of the plains of Colorado. Blue jeans and boots, old time fiddlers and farmers, and the first PRCA cowboys and cowgirls. I feared people, horses, and change. I started writing when I could hold a pencil. Lines and lines of O's. And I was proud of every page.

Me being brave at age 6 on the edge of The Grand Canyon

When I write, I listen to my soul and spirit.

3. Handwriting

My handwriting is pen to hand from heart. I have moved away from fire-hosing creativity of morning pages to a calm, gentle flow aiming for pinpoint accuracy of words to create foundation and substance.

Meaningful. Intentional. Satisfying.

4. Ritual

I'm in transition from living in a ‘protected’ artist space, and learning to be gentle with myself - nothing lasts forever. This too shall pass.

Whereas I have enjoyed solitude, I now live in a community of 8 persons: 3 adults and 5 children ages 2 to 7. Oh, plus the large herding pup and an elder Siamese of questionable disposition.

The Gifts of Imperfection Art Journaling Course with Brene Brown (2017)

My new ritual consists of:

Early morning meditation. Lamplight and patchouli diffuser or candle.

Quiet, oh bliss!

Creative setup of hand tools. Day planner and writing journal.

Thinking. Calm. Focus.


Start writing: words of mindfulness.

Flow. Direction. Inspiration.

Noise in the background. Dear Lord what now? Just try to ignore.

Set my Win the Day goals, usually 4, and decide where my creative hours are for the day.

So far, this ritual is helping transition with all the new disruptions, ( “Oma, where did the pink hair go for my doll,” asks the 3 year old).

I'm not sure I can survive this. The old oak tree outside looks like a great space to plant a tiny home.

Note to self: find camp trailer.

5. Companions

Growing up in a performing family music band, music is in my soul. I listen often to Adele, Lindsey Sterling, David Garrett, and ‘Holly Holy’ by Neil Diamond to inspire.

Books: Brene Brown ‘Rising Strong’ and ‘The Manifesto of the Brave and Brokenhearted’ which I have followed since 2017. The Bible, this year’s copy is KJV which I note take in, calligraphy the edges, and add my affirmations. Also, Charlie Unwin who writes in the UK magazine ‘Horse and Hound’ where in my equestrian life I follow his 5 winning steps (#Win The Day) to overcome fear blocks which he developed from his own soldiering, then training in both military and sports competition.

My Inspirers

6. Doorway

Writing has been a part of my life since I could hold a pencil. Lines and lines of o’s. I am not sure what I was writing, but I was proud of every page.

I remember having diaries and clue books as a child. I took notes as I travelled my neighborhood on bike, documenting interesting events.

I found journaling a way to keep in touch with me. A professional musician at age 11, practice and weekly performances filled my next ten years.

Then everything ended abruptly.

Writing became a doorway to not lose touch with my Self. I could dream and pretend and dream some more in my journaling.

My writing has opened doorways to a professional career in graphic advertising, pattern making, blogging, and online digital course creation.

My writing opens the doorway to view life.

‘My life is shaped by the desire to think and write, and my journal is my passport.’

I am a journal rebel.

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7. Pseudonym

I usually use my middle name and write as “Jo Stockwell” as some sort of stealth mode which makes no sense at all. I think it would be fun to use a pseudonym for a book series.

My pseudonym would be “Calypso Jones” - which I think has a great ring to it for an adventure series.

8. Sounds

I find I love the sound of words of the high seas.

Sail Away

Seafaring, wayfarers, tides, ebb, flow, stars, pirate, scalawag, treasure, gold, compass, East India Trading Company, The Silk Road, Darian Gap, Caribbean, The Seven Seas, pearls, black pearls, mistress, Captain, Captains’ quarters, swell, froth, torrent, whitecap, ship, furl, sails, rigging, boom, stern, aft, buoy, marine, meridian, map, halcyon, head sail, main sail, and Maelstrom (a particular favorite of mine).

9. Location

Create Music Experiences

Online Learning > Rise+Shine| Ruby Road US

Published Teddy Bear Artist and designer

All Things Beartiful on Etsy


Find Me Elsewhere

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10. Champion

My mother is my greatest champion, fan, and looks down upon me from heaven.

So much of my creativity, writing/art/music came to be from her unconditional love, support, and belief in me when I could not believe in myself.

She was a gifted horsewoman, horse trainer, musician, talented seamstress, homemaker, and mother. I remember her laughter filled the room when she entered and the warmed the hearts of all present. She had a way of brightening life wherever she was.

I call her #Irene The Brave.

The other champion I must acknowledge, who opened me to creative art journaling, and learning to dare greatly:

Brene Brown - ‘The Gifts of Imperfection Creative Art Journaling’
Rising Strong
Braving The Wilderness

I joined her original online series (10 weeks) when she was hosted at Own Life dotcom. 10 years has past and Brene has relaunched the series in podcast format for free at her site. I have yet to explore!…

There’s a #3:

I can honestly say to my professional voice instructor/coach Anne Farrell, 1979 lead soprano of the San Diego Opera and San Diego Symphony:

I sing better now that my heart has been broken. Perhaps, I am believable now. God bless you and my memory of you, Anne.

I hope you have enjoyed getting to know more about me.

What does it mean for you to Drop the Reins of your (writing/art/creative) life?

This came from my experience of riding lessons in bareback. Envision closing your eyes while lifting both hands (rein-free) straight out from your shoulders. Then keeping your seat, allow the horse to go at its pace from walk to trot to canter.

If you are trusting, the float sensation will happen and then it’s as if you and your horse are flying as one! It’s life changing.

This is truly the essence of 'Drop the Reins'.

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Somewhere between here and there, and riding strong. My writings of braving, discovering joy from heartbreak, finding my paint brushes, what the violin teaches me; my equestrian journey, where I find connection & doing something really beautiful.


I'm a child of the plains of Colorado. Blue jeans and cowboy boots, old time fiddlers and farmers, and the first PRCA cowboys and cowgirls. I loved and feared horses, people, and change. I am a Writer | Artist | Equestrian | Performer