Ginger, you are a beautiful writer and person.

I feel so incredibly honored to read your story. Thank you for sharing it. I am astounded to hear about your babyhood forward. It's miraculous you were able to find the shining gifts God placed within you during your life, like your passion for horses and music. I am so glad you surrendered and He found you and you are here telling your story with so much clarity and wisdom.

God Bless you and keep you on this journey. You are far more than your story.

Love, deb. ox.

P.S. I thought of this song when I was reading this. It's so beautiful. You're so valuable Ginger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z96LOgybWWg

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Dear Deborah,

You are so kind. You know, God and I had a long standing war for a time: I told Him I would stay sober no matter what, so bring it on - how bad could it hurt? Well, He showed me, but I stayed and found I couldn't live without Him.

And thank you! I really am impressed by the lyrics of the song. Thank you! Quite remarkable!

Hugs for all, blessed to be your friend here,


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I know that war. I am so glad you hung with Him.

Aren’t those lyrics beautiful? Her testimony is also beautiful. I love all her music and play it often. We are so loved. Blessings always to you too. I look forward to your work here. Glad you’re my friend too.

love, deb ox

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May 23Liked by Ginger Stockwell

"...surrender of my will, a turning of my will over to the care of God, and seeking His Will for my life on a daily basis." Found by Love - our series of stories about people who've come to the end of themselves, only to find the love of Jesus Christ who radically transforms their life.

Thanks for your willingness to share your story, and congratulations on five wonderful years!

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Ginger Stockwell

Ginger, I’m so proud of you that you succeeded victoriously departing No-Mans-Land. You are a brave strong woman and I feel blessed to have the privilege to read your story. Stay beautiful and blessings to you!! ✨💜✨🤗

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That means so much to me. When I'm in the fight, I don't see my courage - just the challenge. Trusting others walking ahead of was a big deal. I wanted to make it, so I stuck with the winners finally. God is so good.

Such a blessing to become friends on Substack, thank you.


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May 24Liked by Ginger Stockwell

May God bless you, and thank you for sharing your journey, and oh my— what a journey, I can’t imagine the courage and resiliency required of you. ❤️

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Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. It means so much to me to connect and share.

Thank you! 🏵️


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May 24Liked by Ginger Stockwell

You are welcome ❤️

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