Jun 18Liked by Ginger Stockwell

I have The Golden Book Series by Father John Doe also and love reading and re-reading them. I also have The Christian's Secret Of A Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith that Grace gave me. They were/are so instrumental to my recovery. I am behind on reading your stories. I have recently been diagnosed with yet another debilitating disorder of the nerves and arteries in the brain anyway; I am now getting caught up on your stories and love every single one! :-)

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Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear. God seems to overrate our ability for adversity at times. There's got to be something good coming to you! 🌹love, much love ❤️🤗

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Jun 19Liked by Ginger Stockwell

I've been fighting this horrible disorder since 2000. Never in a million years would I believe I would be hit again just this week with an even worse very PAINFUL nerve disorder on the other side of my face! Believe me; I was suicidal for many years with this disorder and so many surgeries. I finally overcame the suicidal thoughts in the last few years, just to get hit again! I called my very close friend in IN when this first occurred and dumped on her, telling her I just wanna die and be in heaven with a new body and FACE! You can’t imagine the excruciating pain Only when I eat! Thankfully it only last seconds 5 to 15 seconds at a time, but they carry an unreal wallop! I am scared to eat knowing it is going to be painful 

Today, I am just numb felling wise.  If you go way back on my fb pages there are pic’s of all the surgeries I have had in the past few years. All unreal.. the good news is I by the Grace of God got to stay sober and feel the mental, spiritual and physically pain and not drink or drug! THAT'S A MIRACLE! Love you!

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Jun 16Liked by Ginger Stockwell

This is wonderful and I loved the story of how you overcame your fears. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Jenn, what an adventure that was! Thank you for giving me a boost of spirit!

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Jun 16Liked by Ginger Stockwell

You are welcome!

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