
Thank you both. I feel very unmasked because I struggle with this thing of self-acceptance. I write to grow. I read more. I learn from you all. Thank you 📌

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I can understand this. I know Jesus is your guide right now and I can tell you that the more honest you are in your writing the more life giving it is, not just to you, but to others who are struggling. Trust in His timing. ox

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May 31Liked by Ginger Stockwell

This is an INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT piece that everyone should share with their friends! To me, the key line is, "I am no longer striving to be what you say is beautiful, because I am already beautifully Made By God." We serve an audience of One - that's all, and only His opinion is the one that counts! So, regardless of what the world says we look like, it doesn't matter - it's what's inside that counts.

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I second this! Bob nailed the comment! I love that we serve an audience of One! and I agree that everyone should share this with their friends! This is so good Ginger! ox

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Shamelessly, I begged Ginger to let me share this piece with my readership this summer - do you have any clout with her?

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lol! Bob, you're terrific! I will pray that Ginger is ready for such a beautiful and blessed opportunity 🙏🏻. I just know I love her and the work she is doing. Writing has been a healing gift to so many of us and I pray it's the right time to share, through your offer, and to perhaps change a life or two, by doing so 🙏🏻

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Praying for that opportunity right now!

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